Beat the Throw: Media outlets hiring interns for comprehensive coverage

If you are a young journalist, you should be out committing yourself to the business and willing to do all you can. One of the biggest parts of the business is getting out, networking and being engaged in whatever you are covering.

In today’s new-age technology, online sites are becoming more the norm—especially for a niche subject. Instead of just going to the local paper for team news, more and more fans are turning to the team’s website and numerous online resources.

More outlets translate into more opportunities to aspiring media members like myself.

In the past month, I’ve received emails from various websites, radio stations and blogs searching for college students and recent graduates to help them fill a void.

Another body enhances their coverage, drives traffic but also provides a student with quality experience. It will get you to the press conferences and press boxes, allowing you to improve your skills and essentially cover a subject.

My recommendation—take it. Get known. Be the best.

As I continue to stress the importance of building your brand, this is one way to do so. Become an “insider” for a specific subject, do your best and don’t forget the experience is invaluable.

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