First there was “All Gold Everything (Pacers),” a rap song featuring Indy natives Mike Epps and George Hill. That was in April, 2013.

Stephenson released his rap song over the weekend.
Hill’s former backcourt mate, Lance Stephenson, is spitting his own rhymes on top of Bobby Shmurda’s “Hot N—a” track.
And it’s actually pretty good. Knowing Lance, of course he’s going to rap about crossing over his defender, needing the ball in his hands more often, coming out of Coney Island, SportsCenter, and money.”
Unfortunately, he used the n-word; not just once but way too often. Note: This song is not suitable for children.
This isn’t Stephenson’s first try at creativity. Remember Sir Lancealot? Of course you do.
I would love to hear what ‘Born Ready’s’ former teammates have to say about his new jam. Especially David West, who’s big into music and is a fantastic drummer.
Some of the lyrics:
“Born Ready on some hot n—a/Straight up off the Coney Island Blocks.
“Crossover and step-back, I might drop (guys).
“Game on the line, I’m gonna take the shot.”
“I’m tryin’ to win, coach pass me the rock/To the rack, and-1, you forgot.
“Brooklyn bred now I’m out N.C./Me and Kemba in the backcourt, (guys) are dead meat.
“Pops help me get ’em, kept me out the streets.”
“I been ballin’ hard since like the 5th grade/Watchin’ A.I. gettin’ 40 with the French braids.
“Love Indiana, Imma miss ’em good days/Charlotte Hornet, MJ, that’s the new wave.”
“Hit the weight room then I hit the gym/Started from bottom it was either sink or swim.
“No hesitation make a move then I’m at the rim/I got tunnel vision all I’m tryin’ to do it win.
“New year, new money so I’m comin’ for ’em/(Guys) hatin’ they ain’t got nothin’ on ’em.
“Two chains, now I’m stuntin’ on ‘em/See a center in the lane and I’m dunkin’ on ‘em.”
It appears the track was recorded over the weekend:
And here is Lance and his daughter jamming to the song in his Rolls-Royce.
UPDATE: 9/11 – a behind-the-scenes video from Stephenson and his crew horsing around on his birthday was released. “I might go for trying to being the best basketball/rapper in the game,” he said. “I might come out with some more stuff just for fun.”