Author Archives: Pat Boylan

Andrew Luck staying in college isn’t admirable. It’s dumb.

Andrew Luck’s recent decision has me dumbfounded.  His choice to stay at Stanford next year has been called admirable, courageous, smart.  If Luck went to the NFL draft he would be the sure-fire first overall pick from the Carolina Panthers. They even said so.

There are so many things that could go wrong here.  The first being, he’s throwing away millions, even if he is …

New Years Resolution: Support college basketball in Indiana

College football in Indiana has had it’s notable struggles. In fact, since 2008, when Notre Dame, IU, and Ball State went bowling, only Notre Dame has been bowling since, and even they’ve been just once.

But as bad as college football has been in-state the past two years, college basketball has been just as good, if not better.

Start out with Purdue. Yes they’ve lost …