Even the media need a little fun at the Big Ten Tournament

Last night was the fourth annual Big Ten Network party and I came away impressed. Every year since the network’s existed, they have put on a party for Big Ten Tournament media members. The event was held Thursday evening at the Cadillac Ranch at Union Station downtown Indianapolis.

I was very late getting to the event because of the 7:30 p.m. tip of Penn State and Indiana. Nonetheless, I made the most of it and certainly had a great time. Being a young gun, I stayed around long after the majority of people had left and then I made my way to another bar with some local television personalities.

At the media party they served appetizers, desserts and had the popular open bar—for beer and wine only of course. It is a time for the media to let down and hang out in the rare free time. One thing about being in the media, there is little downtime, especially the beat writers who are always looking to break some news.

I give props to the Big Ten Network for putting on a great event for the media. We all deserve to relax from our jobs once and a while right?

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