Mike Vanderjagt resurfaces and speaks out

Remember the idiot, liquored up kicker? The former Colts kicker Mike Vanderjagt reemerged in a recent ‘The Post Game’ article, a new site run by Yahoo Sports.

The story was in-depth, informing, and rather surprising. In his first years with the Colts, he excelled on the field. In 1999, he tallied the most points in the entire lead. But slowly, his confidence and output deteriorated.

When Vandy exited the league, he left with the best kicking percentage in the league at 86.5…and it still stands today.

In the article, the author referenced Hall of Fame kicker Jan Stenerud, who made 66.8 percent of his tries. Comparing the numbers, Vanderjagt believes he is HOF worthy.

“Yes I do deserve it,” he says. “If it’s the best players at your position, my name will be in the conversation.”

The lasting impression for many Colts fans remains the 2006 playoff game, at home, against the Pittsburgh Steelers that would have propelled Indianapolis to the Super Bowl. The Hoosiers trailed 21-18 and Manning setup MV for a 46 yard field goal, baldly. The kick has nearly been dubbed, “wide-right.”

Manning’s reaction was classic, as cameras caught him saying, “He missed it,” dejected from the sideline.

Vanderjagt’s name dropped dramatically when he returned to his native country, Canada and bashed Peyton Manning and coach Tony Dungy.

“I’m not a real big Colts fan right now, unfortunately,” Vanderjagt said. “I just don’t see us getting better.”

The general thought with Colts fans was that he was an irritated drunk with a loudmouth.

Manning later responded to the comments at the Pro Bowl.

“I’m about to go in and throw a touchdown to Jerry Rice, we’re honoring the Hall of Fame, and we’re talking about our idiot kicker who got liquored up and ran his mouth off.”

Vanderjagt now isolates himself on an island to the south. He and his brothers own and run Vandy’s Five Brothers restaurant.

He did want people to know, “first and foremost, I don’t drink. I was 198 percent sober the night I went on TV.” Surprising…who would have thought that?

I always appreciated his work on the field, but questioned how he carried himself. Kicker’s have to be cocky, lets be honest…but Vanderjagt was over the top.

“I’m not smooth,” he says. “I always approached every kick with the thought that if I miss, I’m out of the league.”

Still to this day, 40-year-old Vanderjagt kicks the football around. As to whether or not he wants to return to the league, “The negative perception is so widespread,” he says. “I’d rather not fight the battle.” But on the other hand: “I could kick five more years.”

One Response to Mike Vanderjagt resurfaces and speaks out
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    May 1, 2014 | 9:31 pm

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    Mike Vanderjagt resurfaces and speaks out | Vigilant Sports…

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