Preparations well underway for my first BTN Student U broadcast of the year

Sunday, I’ll be on the call for my first Big Ten Network affiliated broadcast of the year.

BTN launched over four years ago now and continues to grow exponentially. We’ve seen money from conference networks help change the landscape of college athletics.

The Student U program with BTN provides a great opportunity for students at their respective colleges to experience a higher-level broadcast. Not only does it provide valuable and unique experience to the broadcasters, but also the crew members.

Most viewers don’t even think about it, and look past the impact of the staff behind the scenes. In addition to myself and my partners getting on-air experience, our producer, director, coordinators and cameraman benefit from the recently new network.

I’m approaching the broadcast just like any other. I take preparations and research serious and began a week ahead of time. I’ve already called a couple IU women’s soccer games so their story, strengths and weaknesses are no surprise.

As a senior, I realize every broadcast is essentially a job interview. When looking at jobs, they don’t care what about my GPA, major or other activities. Sure, they help, but when it comes down to getting an on-air position, its about how I sound whether I am a good representation of the station or team. At the same time, I do try to put everything in perspective and enjoy my remaining time as an undergrad.

I am fortunate to have a strong passion for broadcasting and will do whatever it takes to get where I want. I love sports and broadcasting so I’m blessed to do what I love. Beginning in high school, I have had so many tremendous opportunities that gave me an advantage and put me ahead of the curve.

The ball’s in my hand and I’m ready to shoot the game-winning free throw. I’ve had plenty of practice and will continue to get better with each broadcast so when my time comes, I’ll drain it for a championship.

It’s all about the little things — and what I’m doing to separate myself from the pack.

I’ll get it all started at 1 pm Sunday, Indiana vs. Nebraska women’s soccer, live on

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