Beat the Throw: finding your brand

In a new series of weekly posts, I will share my insight on building your brand, getting to the top of the résumé pile and making the most of your resources.

First up, the importance of finding and building your brand—after all, it reflects who you are.

While constructing your brand, keep in mind that it takes a lifetime to build a reputation but you can lose it in a minute.

Everything you do, everything you participate in directly reflects who you are.

First, think about what you want to do and represent. Is there a specific job or goal in mind that you wish to attain?

I know I want to be a sports broadcaster so that’s what I am going after. I am doing whatever it takes and meeting whoever I can to gain valuable experience to put me above the curve. Separating yourself from ‘everybody else’ is key. What can you add to a organization that another may not? When completing internships, are you leaving your mark or just floating through?

Second, get to know professionals in the field. They are influential people that can help you with speed bumps along the way and connect you with others of similar interests. There have been there the numerous times I have sought out advice and listened to a more experienced friend in the business. Never discount anyone’s opinion.

Also, not only network with business professional but your peers. Down the road, a neighbor or buddy on your floor may be in a top position with the power to influence a hire. Do not discount what they have done and learn from them. Those in a specific field are only getting older.

Next, what are you doing to make yourself better? There is always somebody better there you and always room for improvement. It’s imperative to never be satisfied and focused on improving on your craft. Always outwork the competition. If you are in college, don’t just take classes but work, be a part of multiple clubs and branch out. Don’t restrict yourself to a group or two.

Finally, don’t be afraid to market your brand. Be proud of it and own it. Separate yourself from the pack by honing specific skills while also being versatile and willing to get out of your comfort zone.

All of this not only applies to the job market but anything you do. What do you stand for, who do you know, and how are you getting better etc. Writing down your ideas and goals are integral in building your brand to be successful in life.

We’ll continue to this series each and every week.

Follow Scott on twitter @ScottAgness.

2 Responses to Beat the Throw: finding your brand
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