Heinous Maryland uniforms prove it’s more about business than tradition

How would you feel if you’re team wore these outfits in place of their typical uniforms? Ugly, hideous, embarrassing.

Nike, Adidas, and now Under Armour all set out to see who can gain the most attention with various uniforms that are totally outrageous. All three companies have expanded their normal college football gear in select schools and pitiful.

Phil Knight of Nike began this whole game of uniform charades having the University of Oregon have different uniforms for every game. They are colorful, slick and usually hip. They have essentially become the norm for the Oregon Ducks football program, and now other programs are following their lead.

Monday night in front of a national ESPN audience, Under Armour debuted the above uniforms in a game against the University of Miami. First, Under Armour is based in nearby Maryland so the team choice makes sense. With these uniforms, they are trying to incorporate all school colors and the state flag. Are you kidding me? Ugh.

Maybe I’m old fashion but simple uniforms like Penn State or Indiana now make even more sense. They are traditional, basic and don’t distract my eyes when trying to watch a game.

College football has been full of scandals and more will surely come out. It’s evident that shoe companies, agents and others want to impact the teams and players as much as they can. Under Armour in this case, is aspiring to be advanced and please the hip culture, but I don’t know how anyone can appreciate these terribly designed uniforms.

And you can bet teams attempt to use this as a recruiting tool. I’m not sure a uniform would help sell me on a school whatsoever but apparently there are influenced future college athletes.

Shoe companies seek out as much attention and coverage as they can. But clearly investors weren’t sold on the idea as  Under Armour finished up just 63 cents after the debut of Maryland’s alternative uniforms.

Schools and athletic directors need to take a stand. Stick to an original, simple jersey and helmet that fans are use to. These over-glorified jerseys hurt my eyes and I know I’m not the only one.

Twitter was buzzing during and after the game (exactly what UA wanted) and I only remember one person I follow actually liking these jerseys. Blame it on the goose.

One Response to Heinous Maryland uniforms prove it’s more about business than tradition
  1. Zach Walsh
    February 10, 2012 | 11:59 pm

    How Are These Jerseys Hideous Or Embarrassing? These Jerseys Are Cool and I Would Were These Anytime.

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